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Real or dream? 分類 > SOMETA

Real or dream?

acrylic on canvas



SOMETA 二次元女孩炫風來襲!


引進日本當代藝術專門的Uspace gallery 即將在Infintiy Japan 2023 Contemporary art show 首度展出年輕世代的收藏新標的

Started self-taught digital illustration in 2020. Mainly active on Instagram.
Started working on artwork for music, apparel, etc., and will start working as an artist in 2022.
Influenced by the Japanese manga, anime, video games, and music of the 90s that he saw from his childhood, he began to draw pictures with a pop touch.
In today's world, where social networking services, matching apps, video sites, etc. have made the criteria for evaluating people and things visible in terms of numbers such as "likes" and "followers" as a single indicator, the hidden human desire for approval, to be thought "cute" and "amazing" and the inner life of people seeking "originality" are beginning to surface more strongly. She draws girls' illustrations that uniquely sublimate the ambiguity between realism and fiction.

開始從事音樂、服裝等的藝術創作,並於 2022 年開始作為藝術家工作。
從小受到 90 年代日本漫畫、動漫、電子遊戲和音樂的影響,開始畫出帶有流行色彩的繪畫。

作品抽選購買表單 :

Story!Uspace gallery x SOMETA in Infinity Japan 2023 (8/4-8/6)

展出原作:1.”Story!” (F30 , 壓克力顏料) 2. “Real or dream?“( F30,壓克力顏料)
抽選購買: 請於指定抽選報名活動時間內(~7/30),於表單( )中填寫欲參與抽選購買的資訊即完成報名。公開抽選後,獲得購買資格者請於通知後指定時間內付款即可取得作品。

抽選活動報名 即日起~7/30

            ki/u #23